This a recent patient treated with fixed braces. After tooth straightening we whitened the teeth and added white composite fillings to the tooth tips and fitted bonded retainers.



Lou's main concern was her upper left and right laterals which flared out. We also noted the central teeth were of a slightly different length and the pink gum margins at the tooth neck were not symmetrical. We discussed just aligning the crowns of the teeth or making the pink gum margins symmetrical and the front teeth the same length with the addition of some composite filling material to the upper right central. We also decided to add some composite filling material to the tooth tips on both laterals to bring further symmetry to her smile.




Lou found the clear brackets and white wires to be very discreet. However, they can occasionally rub the cheeks/lips, require abit more time when cleaning and care was taken with her diet avoiding hard/sticky foods.




This is from the day we removed the brackets. We did a quick composite mock up at the tooth tips and took impresssions for temporary Essix clear trays. After this we whitened, bonded the composite to the tooth tips definitively and fixed bonded retainers were placed.